Best Photo Backup Solution and Backup Tips

Some tips and recommendations for the best photo backup tools.

Are Camera Makers Promoting Smartphones?

How often are camera buyers influenced by the ease of posting smartphone photos to social media?

Winter Orchard

An image of winter’s last grip on the trees in this orchard. Believe it or not, spring is just around the corner.

Sunrise – Early Morning Solitude

Sunrise. A time of quiet, and solitude.

Changing Seasons

Summer ends, and then winter sets in.  The cold is not as enjoyable for me as the warm sunny days of summer.  The winter season drastically changes what landscapes are available to photograph.  So autumn is bittersweet.  It is one of the most beautiful times of the...

I Opted Outside on Black Friday – With my Camera

Take some time to get outside and shoot. It’s easy to get sidetracked this time of year, but you need to keep shooting to keep from getting rusty. The leaves are gone, but there are still opportunities for getting some really great landscape shots, so get outside and enjoy the season.

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Canon Speedlight 470 EX-AI

Canon Speedlight 470 EX-AI

AI, or artificial intelligence, is going to appear in all facets of photography. This is an interesting beginning. Canon has taken a leap with the Speedlight 470 EX-AI, and I can’t wait to see how well this does.

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Samyang Unveils Tiny, Affordable 35mm f/2.8 Autofocus Lens for Sony

Samyang has revealed their third autofocus lens. The so-called ‘tiny but mighty’ 35mm f/2.8 FE was announced last night, and today it’s instilling at least a bit of fear into Zeiss with its ultra-portable size and ultra-affordable price tag.

As the “FE” suggests, the 35mm f/2.8 FE was designed for Sony full-frame mirrorless cameras, joining the AF 14mm F2.8 FE and AF 50mm F1.4 FE lenses to bring Samyang’s autofocus lineup to three lenses. What’..

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