Gettysburg PA Trip

This was off the beaten path, and not in the battlefield tour books.  However, when you walk downtown, you will usually see Ghost Hunters that will take you to a haunted covered bridge.  Sach’s bridge is the place.  I didn’t go for the ghosts.  I went for the water fall.  The bridge is a beautiful old covered bridge, built in 1854, and closed to all but foot traffic in 1968.  After a restoration, and repairs from damage incurred from a flood, it was rededicated in 1997.
Down stream a short distance is a small water fall.  50D_IMG_1015143 -1smOne of the locals I ran into told me about the water fall, and where to find it.  We had a lot of fun finding this place, and getting away from the tourist hotspots for  a bit.  Maybe next time we’ll go back at night and see if we can find some ghosts there after dark.  You can read more about the bridge and it’s history here.