I finally got a photo that’s hard to explain on our trip to Gettysburg. I’ve taken hundreds of photos in Gettysburg, these are the first “weird” ones I’ve captured. The Dobbin House Tavern was the last stop on our “ghost tour.” Supposedly people see children’s faces at the window at times. I snapped a couple photos with my phone. I brightened these up a little so it was easier to see when I brought them onto the computer, but other than that, they are not retouched. I took a few pictures. Below is the first picture, followed by just the 4th window from the right enlarged. Then the second photo I took, followed by the THIRD window from the right enlarged. Whatever the image was in the 4th window was located in the third window when I took the next shot. Draw your own conclusions…..
- Dobbin House Gettysburg
- Dobbin House Gettysburg
- Dobbin House Gettysburg
- Dobbin House Gettysburg